Protein Deficiency Is Linked To Gender. Let Me Explain.

Natasha Nesic, NASM CPT
3 min readJul 13, 2020
Protein, as seen through the eyes of the Internet. From

Protein is a pretty magical macronutrient.

(Who’s mama’s favorite macro? You are! Yes, you are. You adorable, cell-regenerating peptide complex, you.)

Protein is responsible for the most amazing foundational practices in the human body, simply because it forms our cellular building blocks.

Just a few examples, all backed up by science:

  • Wound healing. Pretty self-explanatory there. If our own building blocks (aka tissue) are ruptured, the best thing to fix it would be replacing the broken building blocks (aka ingesting similar tissue).
  • Memory retention, mental clarity, and cognition. Which makes sense — if you don’t have the literal building blocks to transport thoughts, how can you think effectively?
  • Bone formation, especially in conjunction with calcium and vitamin D.
  • Anxiety and depression prevention. Comes back to the cognition example. Here it proves additionally that certain aminos are responsible for feeling calm — wouldn’t you want those constantly in your body, not just pre-/post-workout?

Yet in my experience training women and female-identifying individuals, I find that protein consumption is ridiculously low.



Natasha Nesic, NASM CPT

Writing about fitness, fiction, and how to feel better about yourself on the Internet. Subscribe for a daily dose of humor and perspective!