How To Practice Handstands Without A Wall For Moral Support

(C) Natasha Nesic
  1. Have the urge to practice handstands.
  2. Understand that this is a perfectly sensible goal! It’s great for balance and upper body strength.
  3. Be unsure how to go about this if there is no wall or other supportive surface available.
  4. Scope something less fancy. A chair works, right?
  5. Commit to not worrying about it.
  6. Take that into your practice. Put your feet securely on that extraneous structure — making sure in advance that it can hold your weight, please! Don’t endanger yourself.
  7. Once you’ve sure you’re not in danger (squeeze your core, bro), then let yourself fall, a little.
  8. Let yourself fall, a lot.
  9. Bounce back after every miss.
  10. Keep bandaids on hand, just in case.



Natasha Nesic, NASM CPT

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