How To Let An Anime Help You Achieve Your Goals — Rationally And Without Going Nuts

Natasha Nesic, NASM CPT
2 min readOct 20, 2022
(C) Natasha Nesic,
  1. Take the time to watch (or read) Hunter x Hunter. Even a few episodes is fine, if you’re not sure yet about committing to yet another series.
  2. Don’t be surprised if you end up binging it anyway.
  3. Be struck by the Nen system. In HxH, it’s not necessary to have the flashiest attacks or the strongest powers — it’s having the ability to make the most of your sheer potential, that’s what makes you grow.
  4. Apply this to fitness programming by planning out pure, dedicated time in your workouts to studying how your body learns and adapts to movement.
  5. Suck it up, because it’s going to mean not going heavier or faster — but more thoughtful. More listening to the way you run or jump or lift, not just how much.
  6. Do this knowing that the better you understand yourself, in all your strengths and weaknesses and idiosyncratic ways that you unrack a bar or get on a treadmill, you’re developing crucial connections in your nervous system that will serve you for years to come.
  7. Observe how your lifting improves, your stamina increases, your flexibility skyrockets (without breaking yourself, please) and everything else levels up from spending that time on your potential — because “potential” is just the step before possible.
  8. Become a professional Hunter. Obviously.
  9. (Realize that Step 8 is optional.)



Natasha Nesic, NASM CPT

Writing about fitness, fiction, and how to feel better about yourself on the Internet. Subscribe for a daily dose of humor and perspective!